
Move faster. Deploy better software.

Spend too much time on manual work, fighting fires and keeping the lights on? You're not alone. Seventy percent of IT service outages are due to unexpected configuration changes, and as a result, most IT departments spend over 50 percent of their time on repetitive manual maintenance tasks.

When you're spending most of your time being reactive, you've got less time to spend on the work that matters: deploying applications quickly and moving your business ahead. That's where IT automation comes in.

Automate for speed

Automation is the key to faster deployments. It’s the foundation for continuous delivery and other practices. Automation enforces consistency across your development, testing and production environments, and ensures you can quickly orchestrate changes throughout your infrastructure: bare metal servers, virtual machines, cloud and container deployments.

The top IT tasks that our customers automate

Keep up with the latest in IT Automation Processes and optimization as our team shares ongoing tips, anecdotes, observations about the industry.

  1. Automate Service Restart
  2. Automate SQL Query
  3. Active Directory Password Reset
  4. File Monitoring and Automation
  5. Active Directory Unlock Account
  6. Event log Monitoring
  7. Free up disk space on Server
  8. Shutdown Remote Computer
  9. Automate VMware Snapshots
  10. Change Service Account and Password